
Time-to-hire reduction


Hours saved for HR


Higher quality candidates

Case Story


Glocal Value S.r.l. is an independent company that deals with print and document control and management solutions. Recognized nationally for the high quality of its services, it maintains strong ties with the territory where it was born, the Vercelli area, and strongly believes in the possibility of growing by creating a large and cohesive group of people, motivated to be an active part of the company's development.


When we asked Diego Avilia, head of Administrative Management at Glocal Value, to tell us about his impressions regarding the impact in the company of Algo Interview, the answer was simple: using a technology of this kind in a small company without a dedicated HR department like Glocal Value made it possible to bring speed and objectivity to a series of processes that could not always be taken care of by a human resources professional, drastically improving the result. Algo Interview was therefore implemented from the start with great enthusiasm in the company's processes not only for selection activities, but also for those of internal skills analysis, preparatory to the construction of training plans for employees.

Human-centric automation

Objective and reliable results

Saving valuable resources

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